Double your impact with a matching gift from your employer!

Did you know that many corporations offer employee giving programs where they match donations to non-profit organizations such as Winsor Music? Most employees (and retirees) are unaware that their company offers this amazing benefit, so even if you don't think that you're eligible, take a minute and take a look!

In less than five minutes, and at no additional cost to you, you could double or even triple your any of your gifts from 2014 by searching for your company in our new matching gifts database. If you are retired, you may still be eligible for matching gift benefits, and if you are married, don't forget to check your spouse's company, too! Click here to access details and matching gift forms for many employers.

Thousands of companies offer matching gift programs. A few examples include: 

  • Johnson & Johnson – Triples donations with $2:$1 matches for current employees while also doubling donations for retirees. 
  • Bank of America – Matches donations $1:$1 up to $5,000 annually per employee
  • Home Depot – Matches donations $1:$1 up to $3,000 annually per employee. 

The impact of these programs can be substantial! In 2011, Microsoft matched $48.9 million worth of employee donations to schools and 501(c)3 nonprofits.

More than 15 million employees work for companies with matching gift programs, but an estimated $6-$10 billion in matching gift funds goes unclaimed per year because many employees and retirees are unaware of this amazing benefit.

Even if you donated already this year, you are probably still eligible to have your gift matched! Although program specifics vary by company, most corporations adhere to one of the following three standards for matching gift submission deadlines:

  1. End of the calendar year.
  2. A set number of months from the date of the donation. The standard is one year though it can range from one to twelve months.
  3. End of January or February in the year following when the donation was made.

Visit our matching gifts page to find out what your company's policy is in less than five minutes!

Thank you for your ongoing support of Winsor Music. We rely on your generosity for over half of our annual operating budget, so we're not exaggerating when we say that you, our supporters, make our work - chamber series, outreach work, and educational programming - possible.